Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cave sketches...

This year's excavation is nearing the end and the lovely international team we have been honored with is slowly dispersing... but not without some thoughts on the project and the work in the cave (get your dictionaries ready though):

... μ’ένα μάλλον στενό κίτρινο κράνος, γάντια και φακό γλίστρησα σ’ένα χαμηλό άνοιγμα, σχεδόν ξαπλωμένη, με τις πέτρες να πιέζουν και να σπρώχνουν κάτω από την πλάτη μου... βρέθικα στην Τομή 4, όπον υποθίτεται σύντομα θα φτάναμε στον φυσικό βράχο... Τα ευρήματα όμως, κάτω από την κρούστα, μας δισύψεβσαν... Ο Dylan και ο νεκρόδη τραγούδουσαν «κάτω από τον κόκκινο ουρανό» και εμείς ψηλαφούσαμε το παρελθόν μέσα στο χώμα. Τα πιο όμορφα πράγματα βρίσκονται στο βάθος, στη σιωπή και στο σκοτάδι.

Eirini and Varvara








Grčka. Iskopavanje u hladu pećine. Stratigrafija od kasnog i finalnog neolitika, brončanog do klasičnog doba. Internacionalna ekipa. Kupanje u moru poslije rada. Večera u taverni. Zvuči idealno? Tako je i bilo...

Bez ikakvog pretjerivanja, mogu reći da sam uživao od početka do kraja. Budući da nikad nisam radio na ovakvom tipu terena (i nisam znao što točno očekivati) mislim da mi je ovo iskustvo veoma koristilo za daljnji rad. Također veoma korisno iskustvo bilo je raditi na sortiranju i općoj analizi iskopane keramike, za što se zahvaljujem gospodi šefovima Žarku i Fanisu.

Naravno, ugodnom iskustvu je veoma pridonijela i vesela te uvijek dobro raspoložena ekipa. Sve u tonu dobre glazbe (uvijek ćemo imati Billy Elliota..) i šale.

Na kraju tri veoma brzo protekla tjedna, ostaju ugodna sjećanja, sklopljena prijateljstva, nova iskustva i okus slastne Kyriakosove hrane na nepcu.. i iščekivanje nadolazeće sezone – Žarko, fala ti k'o bratu! (slobodno editiraj, ali morao sam i ovo staviti).


"Som senere ankomne i Aiya Triadha Cave udgravningen er vi blevet

moedt af et velfungerende team, som har udvist interesse for os som

studerende, og som har vist sig villige til at laere fra sig. Det har

vaeret spaendende og laererigt at foelge processerne omkring

udgravningen i den smukke og imponerende drypstensgrotte, og ligeledes

har moedet med flere forskellige nationaliteter og kulturer vaeret et

positivt pust."

Rie Larsen & Mia Toftdal

Међународне екипе су најбоље, поготово ако иду уз овако лепо море и добру храну... Спој различитих култура, вредности, погледа на свет у оваквом амбијенту може да произведе само позитивне ефекте на послу и ван њега.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

After three weeks of work...

More than three weeks have passed since we began our excavation project at the Ay. Traidha cave. Since then we have opened the total of 8 test trenches in the cave, most of which in the main entrance corridor. The most important find from the corridor are successive in situ floors found in Trench 3, which support our belief that the cave was consistently used in the prehistoric times and intentionally altered to accommodate that usage. In the area of the cave consisting of the long entrance corridor we have excavated cultural layers preliminarily dated to three chronological periods known to us from the 2007 season: Early Bronze Age (EBA), Final Neolithic (Attica-Kephala type), and Late Neolithic. We consider the Late Neolithic remains in this part particularly significant as they are the earliest known material found to this date in southern Euboea and they point to strong Aegean connection of the area in this period.

Our decision to begin excavating in two connecting chambers south of the main entrance proved to be a good one. Currently we have two trenches opened in that area (Trench 4 and 8) but the current finds warrant our detailed exploration of the rest of that part of the cave. We have so far found at least two burials in the chamber farther from the entrance. The burials can be tentatively dated to the Early Bronze Age II period. Moreover, our brief preliminary study of the pottery shows that the EBA finds from the area include several Cycladic imports, which testify to the close connections between the two areas during the period in question. In fact, the quality and types of pottery found in this area of the cave have not been recorded at other sites of the same date in the area, which makes our finds unique in southern Euboean context.

Our main claim to uniqueness, however, does not stop at pottery. In a burnt layer exactly below the possible EBA burials (and, we believe, in relation to them) we have recovered through careful excavation a large amount of carbonized whole fruits, legumes, and grains. Some of those carbonized foods may still be in their original containers. This type of find, although perhaps not unique, is extremely rare in Greek (or elsewhere) prehistoric contexts and especially in such large quantities. If related to the burials, it will provide us not only with valuable insights into the burial practices of the period but also into the diet of the local population during the Early Bronze Age. Not to mention that these types of rare finds are ideal for precise radiocarbon dating of the layers that contained them.

Trenches 4 and 8 are still under excavation and are producing plentiful material related to the preceding FN phase of the so-called Attica-Kephala culture. The pottery from these layers is undergoing preliminary but careful analysis in the hours after the work in the field has ended and it will be properly studied and the results prepared for publication in the months to come. Besides pottery, in all of the excavated trenches and especially in the ones in the southern chamber we have found and are still finding significant amounts of chipped stone tools made of obsidian. It is our belief that the Karystia was an important center for production and redistribution of obsidian in the Final Neolithic and the Early Bronze periods.

The last week of works in 2008 will be dedicated to the continued excavation of the two trenches in the southern chamber, collecting samples for geological and pedological analyses, and we also plan to open a small test trench in an adjacent entrance to the cave to check the viability of next year’s detailed research.

Monday, June 16, 2008

End of the second week of excavation in 2008

At the end of the second week we have opened and are excavating two test trenches--the second one (Trench 4) in a small chamber roughly south of the main entrance corridor. As in Trench 3, the finds consist mainly of pottery (most of it tentatively dated to the EBA, although we are expecting a Neolithic layer underneath the EBA one), human and animal bones, and some obsidian. Unlike in Trench 3 no visible floor levels have been spotted; however, the excavation of Trench 4 is still practically at its beginning. During the previous week we have also conducted a topographical survey of the cave and the trenches opened so far, both from this and last year. By doing this we are now able to have precise contours of the cave and the position of our trenches within it and, consequently, of finds and features that have been or will be excavated.

Unexpectedly, we also had to deal with restricting of access to the cave to sightseers, which tend to visit the cave en masse during the local Ay. Triadha panegyri. Therefore, we have posted a proper sign warning the potential visitors of the danger of falling in in one of the open excavation trenches and we did our best to secure the entrance to the cave.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Memebers of ATEP 2008 excavation team

Fanis Mavridis, Žarko Tankosić (project directors)
Daisuke Yamaguchi (field director)
Dimitris Bouzas (geologist)
Thodoris Hatzitheodorou (topographer)
Maria Mitropetrou, Irini Spyropoulou, Varvara Spyropoulou, Davor Čakanić, Nikolina Stepan,
Mia Toftdal, Rie Larsen.
G. Kotzamani (flotation and plant remains)
P. Karkanas (micromorphology)
G. Tsartsidou (phytoliths)
E. Stavropodi (human osteology)
L. Kormazopoulou (Roman and later pottery)
L. Dogiama (lithics)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

End of the First Week of Exacavations in 2008

Members of ATEP team began this year's excavation on June 02. We started the excavation by opening one trench in the vicinity of last year's Trench 2 at the end of the cave's long entrance corridor. After the first week we have reached the neolithic layers and we were able to find (again) in situ strata, which further confirm the prehistoric presence in the cave. It is our main goal to attempt to unravel the most likely use of the Ay. Triadha cave by the end of this field season. Our current finds consist of pottery, chipped stone (obsidian) tools, bone, and other evidence of the cave's use.